A short poem about a young boy who was saved by reading Tolkien. Very educational.
A short poem about a young boy who was saved by reading Tolkien. Very educational.
A short, non-Tolkien poem that teaches you to be content with your name, no matter how funny it sounds.
A very short poem about a dream that I had. It may well be the dream with the most J.R.R. Tolkiens ever!
A short, non-Tolkien poem about public nudity amongst elephants, and its none-too-pleasant consequences.
A very simple poem about an elf who got hungry.
An epic poem, with me in the lead role as Red Riding Hood. No points for guessing who gets to be the wolf!
A poem about how Tolkien almost wrote Lord of the Rings in the year 1813.
Tolkien gathers all his friends on the playing field for some sports activity. Or does he?
Short, moody thoughts about things passing and remaining.
A very instructive poem for new students, telling them what exactly Tolkien was not.
Is it a good, difficult or bad day to read Tolkien?
Choose your zodiac sign:
A comprehensive collection of short truths from J.R.R. Tolkien's life, and the many wonders and miracles he bestowed upon the world. Put together and published here for the first time!
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Or meet me in person. I hold daily sermons in front of my prophet cave in the desert, whenever the voices tell me to. A small donation is welcome.